
2010: energy "power plant" transformer generator "smart grid" "smart meter" year:2010 incr:3
2016: energy "power plant" transformer generator "smart grid" "smart meter" year:2016 incr:3

Mobilitiy (autonomous cars)

2010: autonomous automated "self driving car" -robot year:2010 incr:3
2016: autonomous automated "self driving car" -robot year:2016 incr:3

Mobility (classical)

2010: car vehicle -autonmous -"self driving" train "public transport" year:2010 incr:3
2016: car vehicle -autonmous -"self driving" train "public transport" year:2016 incr:3


2010: ai "artificial intelligence" "intelligent agents" "autonomous system" "neural networks" "knowledge-based systems" "machine learning" "deep learning" cognitive year:2010 incr:3
2016: ai "artificial intelligence" "intelligent agents" "autonomous system" "neural networks" "knowledge-based systems" "machine learning" "deep learning" cognitive year:2016 incr:3

Space research

2010: orbit satellite spacecraft orbital year:2010 incr:3
2016: orbit satellite spacecraft orbital year:2016 incr:3


2010: security exploit vulnerability vulnerable trojan malware hacking firewall "critical infrastructure" year:2010 incr:3
2016: security exploit vulnerability vulnerable trojan malware hacking firewall "critical infrastructure" year:2016 incr:3


2010: iot i-o-t "Internet of things" internet-of-things m2m "cyber-physical systems" "machine to machine" machine-to-machine year:2010 incr:3
2016: iot i-o-t "Internet of things" internet-of-things m2m "cyber-physical systems" "machine to machine" machine-to-machine year:2016 incr:3

Big Data

2010: "big data" hadoop nosql year:2010 incr:3
2016: "big data" hadoop nosql year:2016 incr:3


2010: "mass production" manufacturing "industrial robot" fabrication factory year:2010 incr:3
2016: "mass production" manufacturing "industrial robot" fabrication factory year:2016 incr:3


2010: robotics "computer vision" "degrees of freedom" gripper humanoid manipulator robot year:2010 incr:3
2016: robotics "computer vision" "degrees of freedom" gripper humanoid manipulator robot year:2016 incr:3


2010: photonics "glass fiber" laser led oled "optical communication technology" "optical processors" optoelectronics photonic plasmonic year:2010 incr:3
2016: photonics "glass fiber" laser led oled "optical communication technology" "optical processors" optoelectronics photonic plasmonic year:2016 incr:3


reconnaissance aerial
mobility car vehicle "public transport"
"smart factory" production automation
photonics "glass fiber" laser led oled "optical communication technology" "optical processors" optoelectronics photonic plasmonic